Thursday, September 7, 2017


So, I'm about to go workout for the first time in over a month (aside from a 4 mile walk with my mom last week and a couple bike rides). And I'll be honest, I could have worked out the week I moved, or last week, and even this week. But, I didn't and you know why I didn't? I was lazy. Purely and utterly lazy. 

Sure, I started a new job and spent hours upon hours in my classroom. Sure, I was moving and walked up and down my stairs so many times. Sure, I was tired at the end of the day. But those are all excuses, and they are not helping me achieve my goals. 

Now, my goals aren't to have a six pack of abs and ripped legs. However, I do want to be healthier and live a better lifestyle than I did last school year. I don't eat out so much anymore (so far) and I haven't had pop in a few weeks. I'm making my meals and taking my lunches and that has helped. I don't snack (or should I say over-snack) as often as I did last year. I am busy, but I am trying my best to make better choices, while still living with a balance. 

It's a daily choice to be healthier. It's a CHOICE. Yeah, it's hard. It's really freaking hard. But, it's better than looking in the mirror and hating what you see and then giving up on yourself. That's even harder and it sucks a whole lot more. 

I hope this inspires you to make a better choice today. I hope it helps you realize that we're all in this boat together, struggling to be better than we were yesterday. Sometimes we fail, but sometimes we succeed and little successes all combined together make a big success. 

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