Saturday, August 12, 2017


I've recently seen many people on social media starting gratitude journals. I have toyed with the idea for quite a while, and I think when I officially move (next week!! Eeeeep!) I am going to start one. I also think I am going to have one for my classroom, because sometimes it is so easy to focus on the negative things that can happen during the day, and I forget about the good things that can happen, too. My university supervisor had us keep one during student teaching and it really helped me focus on my priorities and remember why I became a teacher in the first place. 

I am really excited to start this new journey of mine, living on my own entirely and starting a new life that is entirely my own in a new town. I'm also terrified; moving away from my family (especially my mom - cue the tears) and my best friends. But, I'm more excited than anything! It also makes me incredibly grateful for everything that has happened to me to make me ready for this change, in addition to all the help I have received and all the things given to me to help this move easier and smoother. This move has really opened my eyes to all the good that is in my life, which is why I want to start the gratitude journal, so I can remember it later on. 

I think it's important to be grateful, even for the littlest things like holding someone's hand, a kiss on the cheek, or sunshine after the rain. It will give you perspective and it will help you see the beauty in the world, especially when people fight so hard to only show you the negative side of things. 

If you appreciate all the things around you, you'll always find a reason to be happy. 

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