Monday, July 10, 2017


Well, it's safe to say that I didn't find balance during the school year this year. I tried, oh boy did I try, but I couldn't quite figure it out. I did really well when I first joined a gym again at the end of March until about the middle of May, and then the end of the year brought on a whole new set of challenges I wasn't prepared for. 

Now, I'm in the process of moving my life two hours away from the first home I have ever known. I have to learn a new city, create a new classroom, and create a new home. I'm very excited for these next few months, but I'm also terrified. Although I have a year of experience teaching, I still feel like I'm drowning. I hope that feeling goes away soon, but from what I've heard from my teacher friends, it looks like I'll finally get my sh*@ together after year five. *insert laughing crying face 

I'm trying to move past my challenges. Even though I have a lot going on right now, I still feel like I don't use my time wisely during the summer (hello, I need a break from this past school year to cleanse). I'm working on it, and I've found that nights are usually when I'm most productive which is very much unlike me. At all. I'm normally a go to bed at nine o'clock kind of girl. 

Yesterday I set some pretty hefty fitness goals for myself, but I know I'm the kind of person who needs something to work towards. I have gained a significant amount of weight in the last two years, and I'm not happy about it. It's entirely my fault; I let my life and excuses get in the way, but I'm ready to make my fitness goals and living a healthy, active lifestyle a reality. I've got my dream job, I'm going to be living on my own by myself for the first time, now I just need this to come into play. 

My goals are as follows: 

  1. Lose 27 pounds in 26 weeks 
  2. Weigh 155 pounds by New Years Eve
  3. Have one untracked meal a week 
  4. Workout 4-5 times a week (at least) 
  5. Keep going 
Even if I don't lose that amount of weight by the end of the year, I still want to be working towards that goal by NYE. Basically, I just don't want to give up on myself, because that's what I've done for so long and I AM OVER IT! I want to treat my body well, I don't want to keep abusing it and treating it like crap when it's literally keeping me alive so I can make memories with my friends and family and visit these beautiful places and see amazing things. And, if I'm being honest, I want to feel confident in a bathing suit. I NEVER have. Ever. I remember being 12 years old and being self conscious in a bathing suit when I should have been worrying about swimming and playing with my family. I want to feel better about myself, that's what's most important to me. 

So here's to me finding the motivation to workout on this gloomy Monday! It will be my fifth day in a row. :) 

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