Monday, September 11, 2017


Being accountable and being held accountable are two very important things when it comes to reaching one's goals. No matter the goal, if you're accountable and have someone there holding you accountable, you're more likely to stick to something. 

Last week, when I decided to take a new fitness class I've never heard of/didn't know I'd like, I made sure to tell my friend I'd be there because I knew I'd go if I made that promise. Today, when I decided I'd go on a bike ride, I made sure to tell my best friend, because I knew I'd go if I told someone. I went both times and I loved both workouts. I had so much fun at the Refit class (Zumba) that I'm going back tomorrow! My bike ride today was relaxing and calm and just what my soul needed. I felt like Snow White at one part because I was the only human around and I saw so many different animals. 

I am so glad I took that step and told somebody I would work out, because I did. Find yourself someone who will make sure you're accountable, because let's be honest, even if you're so determined to reach a goal, sometimes we still fall short. It ain't easy changing your ways, your habits, or achieving something you've never achieved before. It's hard as hell and sometimes we need a little extra push from those around us. There's no shame is asking for help. 

Make up your mind, follow through, and keep going. Ask for help along the way. Stumble, fall, but always get back up. Life is a journey and it's never a choice to give up on the goals you want to accomplish. 

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Work and Play

Adulting is hard, am I right? Yes, I am. Being a productive adult is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. Harder than any college coursework, harder than any break up I've had to get over, harder than letting go of the things I loved most. Why is that? 

It could be because it is a constant struggle. A daily struggle of getting up, going to work, being the best person, friend, and teacher I can. Every. Single. Day. It takes a lot of work. And most of the time, I let myself get consumed with my work, and I forget to relax and live my life. 

Being a teacher is time consuming. Planning, prepping, teaching, constantly answering questions, analyzing data, reteaching what you've already taught. The cycle is constantly evolving, and constantly repeating itself. Now, don't get me wrong, I love what I do, and I can't imagine doing anything else, but that doesn't mean I don't struggle to get everything done, or like it some days. 

My point is, find a balance between your work life and your real life. Work should not be your entire life. It should be part of it, part of you, but not entirely. Remember to relax, laugh, take a nap, and live your life with those who matter most. That's why weekends were created anyway. ;) 

So, next time you're feeling overwhelmed, take a step back. You may need a break from your job. It's refreshing to step back and then come back recharged and better than before. I promise it will help! 

Thursday, September 7, 2017


So, I'm about to go workout for the first time in over a month (aside from a 4 mile walk with my mom last week and a couple bike rides). And I'll be honest, I could have worked out the week I moved, or last week, and even this week. But, I didn't and you know why I didn't? I was lazy. Purely and utterly lazy. 

Sure, I started a new job and spent hours upon hours in my classroom. Sure, I was moving and walked up and down my stairs so many times. Sure, I was tired at the end of the day. But those are all excuses, and they are not helping me achieve my goals. 

Now, my goals aren't to have a six pack of abs and ripped legs. However, I do want to be healthier and live a better lifestyle than I did last school year. I don't eat out so much anymore (so far) and I haven't had pop in a few weeks. I'm making my meals and taking my lunches and that has helped. I don't snack (or should I say over-snack) as often as I did last year. I am busy, but I am trying my best to make better choices, while still living with a balance. 

It's a daily choice to be healthier. It's a CHOICE. Yeah, it's hard. It's really freaking hard. But, it's better than looking in the mirror and hating what you see and then giving up on yourself. That's even harder and it sucks a whole lot more. 

I hope this inspires you to make a better choice today. I hope it helps you realize that we're all in this boat together, struggling to be better than we were yesterday. Sometimes we fail, but sometimes we succeed and little successes all combined together make a big success.