Saturday, January 14, 2017


As the title of my blog may indicate, I have yet to find a balance in my life. I'm a first year teacher, and more often than not, I am overwhelmed with work. I am constantly making lesson plans, grading papers, analyzing data, and creating assessments, all while still teaching seven hours a day Monday through Friday. Crazy busy, right? Right. 

I am finally feeling like I have a handle on things work-wise. I'm finishing my lesson plans quicker, grading more efficiently, and I don't feel as overwhelmed as I did in September and October. Those months were so rough for me. 

With that being said, I really need to get back into a regular workout and eating regimen. I used to go to the gym almost every day, no matter how busy I got in college. However, since transitioning into a full time job with full time responsibilities outside the 40 hours I'm required to be at work, I've let my health sit on the back burner. And to be honest, it makes me very sad.

Not only am I sad with how I look, I am sad with how I let myself go. I used to pride myself on working out and eating healthy when other people weren't. I used to feel such a sense of accomplishment when I finished a really hard workout and pushed past my ideas of wanting to quit. I used to love myself for what I was doing. 

I used to have a fitness blog that I have since deleted, because I wanted to create a blog that was more of a lifestyle blog with different aspects thrown in. While I did start this blog to keep myself accountable for my fitness journey, it will not be entirely about working out and healthy meals. Life is about balance, and let me tell you, this girl loves her ice cream and finding a healthy lifestyle that works for me shouldn't make me give that up, right? 

The most important thing for me is to find a lifestyle that works for ME. Not what someone else finds that works for them, something that is tailored just for me. I have no idea what that looks like, but I am determined to find something that works and that I will stick to. That has been my biggest problem over the years. I find something that works temporarily, but not something I can stick to long term. 

Until next time, 

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