Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Be Grateful

Being at home is hard. Or rather, being at home all the time is hard. I'm grateful to be safe and healthy. I'm grateful for the extra family time. However, I've been struggling with not having a purpose every day. I miss going to work and seeing my students every day. I felt like I was needed and had a purpose when they needed me every day. Now, they still need me but it's not as easy for me to reach them. I wish I could see them in person. I wish I could teach them. 

Now, I'm not trying to sound snobby or ungrateful. And I know everyone else feels the same way and we are all in the same boat right now. I'm just trying to do my part and stay home/outside as much as possible. I only go to the grocery store when we desperately need items and I'm trying to do grocery pick up when it's available. I want a sense of normalcy again as soon as possible. 

I do know that when the quarantine is over, I will do my very best to not take things for granted again. This time has definitely made me hyper aware of the things I previously took for granted such as work and going to the grocery store. 

What is something you are grateful for? 

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