Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Accountability Part 2

It's hard, right? Holding yourself accountable? Life is constantly changing, and staying on track for your goals is hard. I mean, especially when there's wine, pizza, and dessert readily available for consumption. #amiright #holidayseason

But in all seriousness, staying on track with living a healthy lifestyle is real hard. As they say, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Who is "they" anyway? 

My point: I've been trying. I've went to the gym at 5:45am twice this week (shout out to Jill and Dan for inviting me and keeping me accountable) and I went to Refit yesterday. Three days in a row I've exercised, and it's been a long time since I've been able to stay that. And I feel good. Like, really good. I'm proud of myself. 

This healthy living lifestyle has been a series of ups and downs. I can't seem to find a way to make it work long term, and maybe I never will, but I will keep trying. I'm already looking forward to my workout tomorrow, so that's something to push myself to work towards. 

My advice to you is the following: find someone who can hold you accountable and who you can also hold accountable. Work together and help each other, even if it's just a text inviting each other to the gym or making sure the other one goes if you're not on the same schedule. My friend Jill does that for me, and this week it's really motivated me and sparked a new motivation inside me. I'm grateful for that. 

My next move is to come up with a plan. A plan that I can live with, that works for my schedule, and that will help me stick with it. I've really been enjoying going to the gym early in the morning. It helps kick start my day and helps me start the day in a great mood! I'm loving it. And then after that I can just go home and be lazy for the rest of the night knowing I've already exercised for the day. 

Up next: clean up my diet. But, that may have to wait for after the holidays ;) 

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