Sunday, November 5, 2017

Making a Plan & Sticking To It

Seems easy, right? In some cases, yes it is. It's easy to stick to my lesson plans I've created, unless I see a need of my students that isn't being addressed. It's easy for me to stick to my plans with my friends or boyfriend. 

However, I find it hard for me to stick to my fitness plans. I sit down and create this intense, well-thought out plan and I rarely ever stick to it. Why? It's not because I don't want to. It's not because I can't do it. It's more because I let life and excuses get in the way. Also, I'm an all or nothing kind of person, and I think that if I can't commit 100% to what I've set out to do, then it's not worth trying at all, which is not the case. 

Last week I planned to workout five times, but I only managed to get a workout in 3 times. Well, first of all, that's over 50% of my goal. Secondly, I listened to my body and when I was exhausted, I skipped the gym and graded my math tests that have been looming over my head. Thirdly, I started to get sick on Friday, and I'm glad I didn't push myself because I really didn't feel well this weekend. So, I'll take the 3 days I could get in, and try better this coming week. 

Bottom line, going SOMETHING to reach your goals is better than doing NOTHING. And, progress is progress no matter how small. Hopefully this week I'll be able to workout four times instead of 3, or up the intensity of my three workouts. Whatever it is I do to improve is good. I shouldn't feel like a failure for not achieving all my plans; as long as I'm trying my best, that's what should matter. 

Keep your goals in mind, and try your very best to do SOMETHING to reach them every day. And if you don't, try harder the next day. But, don't ever give up. 

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