Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Life Changes

Well, for the last 7ish weeks, I have been using a Beachbody workout program and I am LOVING it! The first three weeks, I didn't use the step that the program recommends and then I went on vacation and didn't workout at all (except swimming and walking). Then, when I came back I ordered a step and restarted the program using it and wow was it harder! 

I wanted to share my journey as a Beachbody coach thus far. I joined at the very end of April this year and used the workouts after school with some of my friends from work. I really liked them, but I wasn't fully committed to them. I liked the discount I got from being a coach and the shake I got from it is good! However, again, I wasn't fully committed to it. 

In July, I decided enough was enough and if I am going to actually be a coach and inspire others, I needed to get my act together. So, I started the program I am currently using and I fell in love with it all over again! It's 20 minutes per workout and I sweat like crazy during it. Plus, the trainer is Shaun T and he's both inspiring and amazing! 

Fast forward to today. I feel SO good. I wake up early before work (uh... what?!) to workout and I have so much more energy. I go to work feeling amazing when I workout before and I can definitely tell a difference when I skip my morning workout and sleep in. Now, have I taken more rest days than the program suggests? Yes. But, I still keep chugging along with the workouts. I'm halfway through half of the program and I can't wait to see my results at the end. 

I've been noticing physical changes in my body. Certain places look/feel tighter and more toned. The scale hasn't changed at all, in fact, it's gone up, but I still feel the best I've felt about myself in probably the last two years. So, I'll take that transformation over any physical ones. Another change is that working out doesn't feel like a chore anymore. It feels like a habit, just something I do. It feels like a part of my day and I feel like the old me. The person who used to workout (almost) every day and wouldn't think twice about not. I've missed that part of who I am and I'm glad she's back. I plan on keeping her around. 

Now, my next goal is to get my eating more in check. I pack healthy breakfast and lunches during work, but on the weekends/dinners (sometimes) aren't the healthiest or I eat more because I've been up longer. It's a work in progress, but I still feel the best I have in a while so I must be doing something right, right? 

What have you done to make yourself feel good lately? 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

It's Been a Minute...

Like, you know, almost a year. But it's fine. 

About a month ago, I joined Weight Watchers because I've been working out with friends after school 1-4 times a week since January, but I hadn't quite gotten the eating part down. I wasn't losing any weight and I needed something to hold me accountable. Quite a few of my friends had joined and I saw them getting results, so I pulled the trigger. 

I am so glad I did.

Joining WW has really made me think differently about food. It makes me think about healthy options vs just calories. It makes me think about feeding my body the proper nutrition it needs instead of just feeding it to feel less hungry. 

Now, I still enjoy myself every once in a while, but I truly enjoy following the guidelines and I am losing weight. So far, I have lost about 8 pounds, and I'm really proud of that. I feel so much better too. I'm more energized and ready to take on new things. I feel more confident.

But I'll be honest, this week hasn't been the best. Now, granted, it has been much better than the way I was eating before, but since joining WW, it has been the worst week eating wise. I feel a little guilty, but nothing like the guilt I used to feel. Today I've been on track and that's how I start every day after not being on track the day before. I want a lifestyle change, not a diet. I don't want to be restricted, I just want to live my life 80% healthy and 20% free to eat what I want. 

If you are struggling with finding a way to make a lifestyle change, I highly suggest joining Weight Watchers. This has been the happiest I've been while losing weight. It's the only thing that has worked for me, and believe me, I have tried a lot of different "lifestyle" changes.