Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Starting Over

Sucks, doesn't it? It's a pain in the butt to start something once you have stopped doing it. So why do we stop? Excuses mostly. We get busy, we're tired, we don't want to, etc. The list goes on and on. I am one who definitely makes excuses when it comes to working out and eating healthy. I really can't tell you why other than I can be lazy when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. I'll get going on it, I'll feel so good, and then I fall off the wagon and can't bring myself to get back on. 

Maybe it's because I haven't learned to live life in a balanced way yet, hence the title of my blog. I used to feel so guilty about eating a treat, like I didn't deserve it or something or a treat didn't have room in a healthy lifestyle. But that's not true; I don't want to be restricted from the foods I love, but I also don't need to have them every day either. 

According to the scale, I have lost about 5 pounds since school got out. I've definitely noticed I'm not as hungry so I've been eating less. Yesterday, my boyfriend and I started working out together. Little by little I want to make healthier choices that I can sustain and live with long term. It's a process, and not an easy one, but it's something I'm slowly working on. 

I'm tired of excuses, of letting life get in the way, I'm tired of not being the happiest and healthiest person I can be. I also miss running. I felt so good about myself when I ran every day. But I think I overdid it and now my knee hurts whenever I run. I'm not sure if there's something I can do to help with that, or if I just have to be careful and not run every day. Any runners have any suggestions? :) 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Two Thousand Eighteen

I am really excited for this year! I honestly have no idea why, but I just have a gut feeling this year will be amazing. I just feel like my goals are going to be accomplished, and I'm ready to put in the work to make them happen! 

Now, I'm not the type of person to say "new year, new me." I don't want a "new" me; I just want a better version of the me I was before. There's just something about a fresh start that gets me excited. However, all my goals I want to accomplish, I've already started working on in 2017; I'm just continuing what I've already started in the new year. 

However, I fully believe life is what you make of it. Now, that doesn't mean life can't throw you curve balls, because it certainly can, but how you react to those can make all the difference. If you want something, go for it. If you want to change something, then change it. If you can't, then change how you react to something. Change your attitude. Basically, life is up to you and how you want to live it. What are you going to do to make 2018 better than last year? 

I hope that whatever this year brings you is nothing but good things. I hope that whatever you go after, you get. I hope you get all the good things this life has to offer.