Monday, October 23, 2017

I Survived!

Parent teacher conferences, that is. Actually, it was a lot of fun; I really enjoyed meeting some more of my parents and talking with them about their children. I had a really good turn out and I am very pleased with it! 

Today was the latest I've ever stayed at school without an event going on (7pm!). I got a lot of grading done, put into the gradebook, and discussed some more ideas with my third grade team. I am on such a supportive team and in such a supportive school. I am so grateful for the change I made and the school I work in. I love going to work every single day. 

The people I am surrounded with inspire me. Hard working, loving, and determined people who make me want to be a better person, a better teacher, and a better colleague. I love the school environment Surline has given me; I love the family I have been blessed with. 

Happy Monday! I hope it was a great one! 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Parent. Teacher. Conferences.

Also known as: The Longest Week Ever for a four day week. I have been prepping for the conferences today and yesterday and I am just ready for 8:00pm on Thursday night! Although I am looking forward to talking with my students' parents and discussing their children, I am not looking forward to two 12 hour days back to back. *Insert drooling, sleepy emoji 

Pray for me, friends. I will need it just to survive and not turn into a zombie the next two days. Thankfully, we have Friday off! Woo, three day weekend!